Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Aussie Farmers, the unsung heroes

Farmers are more important than most people realise. Most Australians live within 80km from the coast and in cities. This means that the cities are crowded and busy. People just have to go to the supermarket to get whatever they want, they don’t realise where the food has come from or what it takes to provide the things that they need.
We don’t think that people in the city realise the importance of farms. They don’t know that each farmer produces enough food to feed 600 people! Farmers feed and clothe Australian communities and they also give what they grow to other countries because they can’t grow their own.
It takes a lot to sustainably feed and clothe our communities for a day, from the moment we get out of bed we are using things and eating things that have been made by Australian farmers, things like cotton sheets, milk, breakfast cereal, bread, vegetables and even our shoes have come from a farm somewhere!
Regional towns and centres are important to farmers because that is where they get their supplies from. They will be affected by changes to farming practices because if farmers replace workers with machines there won’t be as many jobs and people will move away. If people do not buy from Australian farmers then they will leave the farm and we won’t have as many farmers to provide things we need. To be sustainable we need to support local farmers.

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